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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Meta Tags For Blogger / Blogspot

eta Tags are HTML elements used to provide structured metadata about a web
page. Such tags are placed in the head section of an HTML document

We can also add meta tags to Blogger Blogs.But the problem is that having the
same meta tags for all pages in your blog is not a good practice.So it would be
better if you could add meta tags on your home page only.Just find out the
appropriate keywords and description for your site

Now copy out the following code into a text file


<link href='mailto:Your_Email_Address' rev='made'/>

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>

<meta content='Your keywords separated by commas' 


<meta content='Your Site Description' name='description'/>


<meta content='Your_Name' name='author'/>

<meta content='ALL' name='ROBOTS'/>


Make the following Replacements

1.Replace Your_Email_Address with
your Email Address.

2.Replace Your keywords separated
by commas
 with your site's

3.Replace Your Site Description with
a good description of your site.

4.Replace Your_Name with
your Name


I would suggest you to
take into consideration the following character limits

a.The maximum size of the title tag should be 60 characters

b.The maximum size of your site description should be 150 characters would be better to limit the keyword size to 200 characters

you might use this character
count tool
.. Now copy out the edited code and place it within the head
section of your blogger template.. It would be appropriate to place it below the
title tag



If you are using my SEO
Title Tag hack
, then you will have to place the meta tags after the whole of
the title tag hack that is below


<!-- Start Changing the Blogger Title Tag -->

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>



<title><data:blog.pageName/> ~ <data:blog.title/></title>


<!-- End Changing the Blogger Title Tag -->


When you use this meta format, the keyword description meta tags will appear on
your blogs home page only thus avoiding duplicate meta tags on blog pages..

Now if you wish to add meta tags for a particular post page you can do that
also..In that case you will have to follow the following is the
code that i have used for implementing meta tags on this post page.


<b:if cond='data:blog.url ==

<meta content='optimize blogger,optimize blogspot,meta tags for blogger'

<meta content='Adding Meta tags to blogger blog is very useful. Here is a
tutorial on Optimizing blogger by using appropriate meta tags on homepage
and post pages.' name='description'/>


You should replace the post url,the keyword and description tags appropriately
and place them in the head section of your template.


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