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woman holding money

Before you begin...

Welcome to my blog! This is a place where you get to know how to make money online by doing simple jobs. Most of the online money making opportunities are available only for people from USA or Canada, but this blog contains only those websites where people from other countries can join and make money. Only those sites which have either paid me or any one of my trusted friends are included in this blog. All the websites (except forex) recommended here are free to join and you don't have to make any investment to start earning, but if you prefer to make any investments you are doing it on your own risk.

Wait a Sec... Do you have a Payment Processor Account?
The First step in earning money online is to open an account with a Payment Processor like AlertPay or PayPal or most preferably both. So if you don't have one please Start a FREE Payment Processor Account before proceeding further with making money online. Click here to learn about and start a FREE payment processor account. Join a Money Making Forum...
If you are serious about making money online then you should join few forums were people discuss about various money making opportunities, that will help you keep updated and share other peoples experience with various money making sites. One such forum is Make money Kingdom AKA "MMK" were you not only get to discuss about money making opportunities but also get paid for the same! Click here to know about & Join Make Money Kingdom

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Get referrals

  To make a good profit online, you need to have referrals, but how you can get them and where you can find them? I believe the best way to find some referrals is making good offers to people and give them a nice profit of the earnings you have from them. Another thing is to be active to forums and use your signature to advertise your referrals links. You can also do exchanges (join mine I'll join yours).

But I use also some sites to get referrals. All of them working with the same idea. You click banners to get some points and then you give a peace of them to get a referrals. You make a request and waiting for someone to join under you :). You can also try them.

TargetRefs - The first site I found which helped me to get started with getting referrals 

You get credits by clicking banners, join programs or buy them. Tip: You can click more than on banner each time ;)
I had written an e-book about TargetRefs, which might help you use the site. You can find it here 
Join TargetRefs

ProgramRefs is a very useful site, you can easily understand how it works and love it!

ProgramRefs is same to TargetRefs, you can click many banners at the same time too!
Join ProgramRefs

SimpleRefs - The last program which have the same desing with the tow I provide before

This three sites are very useful, I recommend them, they will help you build easily a very good downline :)
Join SimpleRefs

DownlineRefs - Powered by the team who own TargetRefs, ProgramRefs and SimpleRefs!

Nice desing, easy to use you can click as many ads as you want each time! :)
Join DownlineRefs

StarReferrals! Site owned by the team which own DealBarbie

You are able to click more than one ad per time here too!
Join StarReferrals
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How To Blog & Create Blog Traffic | 9 Ideas to Increase Blog Traffic

How to Blog: 9 Tips on Increasing Blog Traffic

Below are 9 tips on increasing your Blogger (yeah, the one by Google) blog traffic. There are a lot of other things you can do, but this is a good start. Some of these work for other types of blogs as well, but is mainly focused on Blogger blogs.

How to Blog: Putting Adsense On Your Blog

1.) Don't put any Adsense on your site for awhile, and if you have any on yours now, get rid of it. Google doesn't like un-established sites that have a lot of ads. Google trys to keep it's search customers happy and trys not to include stuff that it thinks is spam. Wait until you have several hundred hits per day before you add advertising. Also, if you put a lot of ads on before you build credibility with your readers, you are apt to scare them away. Don't be greedy, just wait.

How to Blog: Adsense & Clicking Your Own Ads

If you do have Adsense on your site, NEVER CLICK ON YOUR OWN ADS! Google will ban your forever!

How to Blog: Write Original Content| Don't Copy and Paste Old Content

2.) Write ORIGINAL content frequently. By original I mean in you own words. NEVER copy and paste large sections of content from other sites. DONT use the E-Zine Articles (the have articles that people can use without copyright restrictions)! Believe it or not Google scours the web for content that might be the same and doesn't index (include in search results) most of the stuff that has a copy out there. This is not always true, but for a new website, you don't want to be doing that. 

How to Blog: Target Your Content

3.) Target your content to what people are searching for. One of the best ways to establish a begining website is by specifically writing articles about the specific word phrase people frequently search for, but there isn't a lot content on. 

How to Blog: Free Search Engine Keyword Tool

Go to this address:

Bookmark that page. If a keyword is not already in the keyword box, type in "christian." The top 100 (daily) searches relating to this keyword will show up. It will look something like this (only small section of it included):

60,003 searches (top 100 only) 
Searches Keyword 
60,003 total searches 
3066 christian bible group icebreakers 
2938 free christian powerpoint backgrounds 
2361 christian song lyrics 
2107 christian newswire 
1709 christian lyrics 
1653 christian 
1565 christian music lyrics 
1533 christian music 
1325 christian backgrounds 
1241 christian easter crafts 
1190 christian e cards for free 
1166 christian interpretation of dreams 

How to Blog: How to Target Traffic and Keywords and Phrases

Go through through the list and search for each phrase in the google search engine. I always target Google because it get's 70 percent of search traffic. A lot of the other search engines are stupid and take a long time, but they will eventually start indexing stuff. Don't worry about trying to optimize for them though. When you search for the word phrase put quotes around it, like this "christian interpretation of dreams." When the results show up, check how many results there are. If the number is pretty low (preferably below 50, but a lot of times below a couple hundred works too), that is a good phrase to target. It is even better when the keyword phrase doesn't appear or appears only a few times in the title of each of the search results. Write a post about that topic, and very important, use that keyword phrase as the title of your blog entry (blogger makes the title of your entry the title tag for the page. The title tag is what shows up as the title in the search results and if you look in the bar at the top of your browser, it will be up there to).

How to Blog on Blogger: Keep Your Blog Title SHort

4.) Keep the title of you blog short. Blogger makes this title part of the title tag too. The titles in search results are about this long:


If your blog title is about this long*,


the title of your blog entry wont have much space to show the keyword phrases you should be using in your title. For example, the name of my blog is Make eazy bux. It's a pretty short blog name and the blog entry title still has enough space to show up in the searches.

*These sizes may look different depending on your browser and if your computer has the fonts that I'm using.

How to Blog: How to Add a Blogger/Blogspot Sitemap to Google and other Search Engines

5.) Add a sitemap of your website to Google. Do this by going to Type in the address of your website in the add site box, and hit the add site button. Somewhere on the next page, it will say verify site. Click that. Once on the page, select the option for embedding code. COpy the code and paste it into the html code right after the "head" tag (it shouldn't be to far down). You can access the html code by hitting the "Layout" button on your dashboard and then hitting the "Edit HTML" button. Once this is done, go back to the Webmasters Tools window. Click the "Sitemaps" button. Click "Add Sitemap." Click the down arrow. Select "General Web Sitemap." Enter rss.xml and add. When that is done, add another one. The name of the next one is atom.xml. 

How to Blog: Using Google Webmasters Tools

6.) Come back frequently and check the stats that google provides in the webmasters tools area. I don't have time to explain them.

How to Blog: Add Site to Google Analytics and Verify

7.) Add your site and verify in a similar manner in Google Analytics (search for it). Play around with different stuff and there and learn what it's for. 

How to Blog: Adding Inlinks, Increasing PageRank, Using Digg and Blog Directories

8.) This is important. Add inlinks to your site. Inlinks are links from other sites that are pointing to yours. Google has a very complex system that uses these inlinks and other things to determine what your sites PageRank will be. Inlinks have a huge factor in increasing your site's PageRank. Comment on forums, do link exchanges, yahoo answers, and more. Add your content to, and others. Go to my site, Scroll down until you see the Top Blog buttons and all those other ones. Click through them and add your site to those directories. I don't have time to explain more, but remember this, add links, add links, and add links. Try to add them from sites that have a high page rank. DONT add them to spam sites and stuff like that, you'll get google wanting to block your site as being spam.

How to Blog: Remarkable Content, Articles, Photos, Videos, and More

9.) If you want a lot of readers, you want to get people to talk about your stuff. So make your articles REMARKABLE. Remarkable stuff gets remarked about (or talked about). Average isn't good enough. Everybody does average. Make your information and content OUTSTANDING!

How to Blog: These 9 tips Should give you a good start. Read my SEO pages for more info on getting traffic from search engines

Just some quick tips to get your blogger site started. There's a lot of other things, but if you can learn how to do the above well, you'll have a good start.
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Plurk Brings Traffic

Plurk is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows users to send updates (otherwise known as plurks) through short messages or links, which can be up to 140 text characters in length.
Users can respond to other users' updates from their timeline through the website, by instant messaging, or by text messaging.Plurk was developed by and envisioned as a communication medium meant to form a balance between blogs and social networks, and between e-mail messaging and instant messaging.
Plurk's interface shows updates in horizontal form through a scrollable timeline written in AJAX. Users can post new messages with optional 'qualifiers', which are one-word verbs used to represent a thoughts. There are also advanced features such as sending updates only to a subset of your friends, posting updates on events earlier in the day, and sharing images, videos, and other media.Plurk also supports group conversations between friends and allows usage of emoticons together with the usual text micro-bloggingPlurk has often been considered to be a rival to Twitter, an earlier micro-blogging service.Here are some few tips:

Only add real friends to your friends list and limit your friends list to your closest buddies.

Try not to plurk more than 30 times a day - your friends may consider it annoying.

Don't share personal information in your plurks - definitely don't share social security numbers, credit card numbers, etc.

Respond to existing plurks, create new plurks when necessary.

Learn to use the plurk privacy options and be careful about what you say about others.
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Pijoodotcom Social Community

Pijoo is a blog directory, a social network, and a social voting site all rolled into one. By adding your blog to Pijoo, you can get more hits, more readers, and a whole bunch of new contacts from the blogosphere, as well as being able to track your visitors, build a community around your blog and keep up with the latest posts from other blogs.

The layout is very easy to navigate. Tabs are used to easily flip through the various pages on the site. This allows you to view other bloggers profiles, send them messages and add them as friends. You can also create and join groups for discussion of specific topics.All of this creates a very visible and open community, where bloggers can network and socialize.

Pijoo also has a paid membership ($30 lifetime) They refer to this as a “Sponsor” account. This paid account opens up a few more options to the members such as ability to add unlimited blogs to your account. Also priority listing on the ‘blogs’ page, detailed blog traffic stats, Ability to ‘broadcast’ messages to the network and more.
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Use Flickr to get traffic

Flickr is an image and video hosting website, web services suite, and online community platform. It was one of the earliest Web 2.0 applications. In addition to being a popular Web site for users to share personal photographs, the service is widely used by bloggers as a photo repository.Its popularity has been fueled by its organization tools, which allow photos to be tagged and browsed by folksonomic means.As of November 2007(update),it claims to host more than 2 billion images.

Here are the items you should complete:

Buddy Icon. The avatar size is a small 48 x 48 so upload and use an avatar that is noticeable and visually appealing. You can either use your favorite image, company logo or site brand.

Screen name: You would have already chosen this earlier but you can edit it now if necessary. McGee suggests that you could use your site URL as the screen name but I don’t think that’s really important. You can use the handle that you’ve always used around the web or simply go with your brand, site title or an abbreviated version of your name.

Profile: Write a little about yourself or your business and include some relevant links (link to your About page etc). HTML is accepted so use proper anchor text links instead of a string of URLs. You might want to add in your location and some of your interests to personalize your profile even more.

Your Flickr Web Addresses: You can create your own Flickr web address which makes it easier to share your pictures with others.
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Get traffic by Leaving Comments

Can we get visitors by leaving our comments on other blogs or websites?,Well the answer is yes.But there are some points that needs to be considered.First Post comments on other sites with a link pointing back to your site.How many of us Click the commentators name to visit their site?.Because more people left their comments on other sites normally but you have to get attention from other readers by leaving insightful comments although you get the attention of author easily.
As far as I concerned,I get more visitors by leaving comments on other blogs and websites.Commenting often on popular sites will bring you visitors and commenting on do-follow sites will bring you traffic as well as your site get's quickly indexed in the search results.As far as I concerned,commenting on the chat widgets like Cbox,shoutmix etc.., will bring more visitors for me rather than commenting on the blog posts,but it doesnt give you a backlink if you comment on the Chat widget of a do-follow site.The reason iscommenting on Chat widgets is easy when compared to commenting on Blog posts but you need to get the readers attention(i.e Trick).Posting Comments often on Blog posts of popular blogs will bring you visitors definitely eventhough you dont get massive amounts of traffic but surely you get the attention of some other sites which will give you traffic by linking anyone of your posts if your site was flourished with good content.I found my small banner(they added my code) in many sites in which I just made a comment on their Chat widgets.Commenting on related blogs will brings you more chances of bringing relevant Link Exchange.You should be an expert in something thats,y experts get traffic.This way to get traffic requires patience though but we have to follow all things required for traffic and to become a successful blogger.

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Search Engine Otimization Mistakes

If you want to achieving good ranking in various search engine than must be follows these rules:
1) Don’t use hidden content for your web page.
2) Don’t use directory submission software

1) Hidden content is the content which not shows to the viewer but search engine spider can read it. Some seo experts use this concept for keywords stuffing. By using this concept it give good ranking but for short time. Various search engines does not support this concepts such as yahoo, google and msn etc.
2) Directory submission software is a web application through this application you submit your website in various website and various search engine but it is help full for very short time after that it goes down your website ranking as well as page rank.
Use meaning full as well as distractive content for your web page which is gives complete information to the viewer. Directory submission is very important process search the directory list and submits the directory manually.
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SEO BlackHat Method

Google makes it clear that it disapproves of certain SEO tactics, such as hiding keywords with invisible text, or showing one page to Google's spider and another to actual human visitors.Methods that conform to what the search engines like are called White Hat SEO, and disapproved methods are called Black Hat SEO. There is a lot of controversy about whether Black Hat SEO is really "bad" in the ethical sense. White Hatters say that Black Hatters are unfairly trying to manipulate the SERPs. Black Hatters counter, "What constitutes 'fair'? Isn't any change you make to your page for SEO purposes an attempt to influence rankings? Why is one method less pure than another when we're all just trying to get our pages to rank higher? Further, if an engine is ranking a bunch of irrelevant sites above mine, what's so wrong about using any method at my disposal to get my relevant site ranked above them? Doing so doesn't benefit just me, it benefits the searchers because it gives them what they're searching for. And it also benefits the engine, because searchers will think better of the engine for giving them more relevant results than it would have otherwise."

Adding to the controversy about Black Hat SEO is the fact Google does allow a certain select few sites to operate contrary to its own stated policies. Danny Sullivan complains that Google's cloaking policy is inconsistent (more on cloaking below), and that the policy wording should be updated. He further notes that the reason Google allows some cloaking is that it improves searching rather than hinders it, and that it's therefore inappropriate to think of cloaking as synonymous with "bad".

Whether you think Black Hat SEO is bad or not you should avoid it anway, because it can get you banned from the search engines, or at least reduce your ranking. Google has been known to remove sites it felt weren't playing fair. Granted, this isn't likely, but why take that risk? Also, much Black Hat SEO involves some fairly technical work. If this article is your introduction to SEO, you likely don't have the skills to be a successful Black Hatter anyway -- at least one who doesn't get caught.
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Reddit and StumbleUpon

The vision in my mind of a typical 'Redditor' is one who hits a link, arrives at your site, glances at the content, goes back to Reddit, repeat for another link at a pace and schedule you could set your watch to. When talking about frequency, we do get significantly more traffic from Reddit than Digg on a day to day basis. But one front page story on Digg will in just a few hours easily surpass 2 weeks worth of Reddit traffic, to which our battered server can testify.

StumbleUpon was one of those sites I deliberately avoided early on. Submitting our own articles on StumbleUpon has returned some good results, but our submissions pale in comparison to one getting picked up by a high profile user. When this happens, we easily get more traffic spread out over a week than we get from Digg. As an example, one particular article had 115,000 visitors from Digg over about 6 hours, but the same article which got picked up on StumbleUpon over 2 weeks later saw 55,000 visitors spread out over a week.

Stumblers love to comment, and they love to let you know where they came from: "I stumbled in!" is a typical start to a comment. And they love to look around. They are a unique breed of web surfer who are on a mission to find anything and everything interesting to share with others. Not only that, Stumblers keep coming back and many subscribe to our newsletter and RSS feeds. In fact while composing this article we got 2 more newsletter subscribers who say they came in from StumbleUpon.
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Essential Traffic Tips

Write press releases for your blog.
Link liberally to other blogs in your posts (many bloggers check who links to them).
Tag your posts using Technorati tags or a tag plug-in.
Submit your posts to multiple social bookmarking sites using OnlyWire.
Use Stumbleupon to stumble your posts.
Answer questions on Yahoo answers with the answers on your blog.
Answer questions on forums related to your niche with a link to one of your blog posts that answers the question.
Set up a feed on MyYahoo so that Yahoo keeps better track of your blog.
Make lists (My Top 5…, Ten Things…, etc.). Many of the most popular blog posts are lists like this one.
Use pictures. Most of the top trafficed blogs use pictures in their posts.
Use video on your blog.
Find out what people want to learn about in your blog’s niche and write about it.
Be the first to break a news story.
Use keyword research to find good keywords to use in your posts.
Write controversial posts.
Strongly Agree or strongly disagree with other bloggers and write about it with link to their post.
Make it easy for your readers to sign up for your RSS feed.
Make it easy for your readers to Digg your posts.
Ask your readers to submit your posts to social bookmarking sites (Digg, Reddit, etc.).
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Targeted Traffic.

You only had to do two things to make good money with adsense; perfectly optimize your blog for a single keyword and then drive targeted traffic to it.

If we go back to the widget example let's look at what happens when the two blogs don't get the right type of traffic. As they currently stand I said both were ranking well in the serp's and neither would be smart priced. Blog A will do OK with adsense but not great. Blog B will do much better as the blog is better optimized for the traffic from the serp's.

Now imagine that neither blog gets serp traffic for their respective keywords or very little compared to other types of traffic.

If you are a proponent of using social media to get traffic to your blog then pay attention. Let's say most of your traffic comes from stumblers and entrecard and RSS subscribers and Digg etc. If you have Adsense on your blog you run the risk of being smart priced. Most of these social visitors will never click an ad - and that's a good thing. Unfortunately a few will click an ad from time to time. When they do Google knows where they came from and knows that they aren't targeted traffic looking for widgets. They are just casual browsers and if you get too many of these casual browsers clicking your ads then Google will discount the hell out of the CPC in order to compensate the advertiser who is getting really crappy traffic from your site. Google will smart price you until you provide quality traffic. 

Social traffic is not quality traffic and if you get a lot of it then you had best not have Adsense on your site. Period.

Because you have a lot of social traffic that rarely clicks ads you will have a very low CTR - hence the misconception that low CTR means you are smart priced. You aren't smart priced because you have a low CTR, you are smart priced because your traffic is crappy and not targeted for the ads. You get a low CTR just because most of your traffic doesn't click ads.

My sidebar ads are all low CTR - under 1% and yet they bring in up to $5 a click. They aren't smart priced - they just don't get a lot of clicks. The top ad block gets the bulk of the clicks.

How to tell if you are doing things right.

For the most part, the first visitors I get to my site each day come from Asia and Australia. This is because they get up first. Then later Europeans and Africans start showing up and finally North and South Americans. The sad fact is that most advertisers using Adsense are North Americans and as such they basically only want traffic from North Americans. (Most only have products available in the US or Canada) The best paying ads and highest converting products tend to be by and for Americans and Canadians. This isn't fair, it sucks and in the end comes down to the reality that European and Asian businesses have yet to take advantage of the internet to the same degree as North American businesses. If your traffic comes from mostly US and Canadian visitors then you will get better Adsense Ads. If your traffic is mostly from elsewhere you will get poorer paying ads and also run the risk of getting smart priced. 

The first clicks I get each day are from Asia and Australia - my CPC always starts off low. Later in the day my CPC increases, sometimes quite dramatically. This is because the clicks are now coming from the US and Canada - the people my best ads are targeting. 

If you see the same trend then you are doing things right. If you start off with higher CPC and see your CPC drop over the course of the day then you are not doing things right. It means you are getting more less desirable traffic than desirable.

This happens when the bulk of your traffic comes from countries other than the US and Canada. This also happens when the bulk of your traffic comes from sources other than the search engines. In both cases you are getting the wrong traffic. If this is the case remove the Adsense ads from your site and start optimizing it for the search engines.

It all comes down to conversions for the advertiser. The only way you will get good converting traffic for the advertiser is by providing them with people looking for what they are selling.

The only way to guarantee that your traffic will convert is by ranking well for the keyword the advertiser is chasing. My best advertiser is looking for people looking to "make money online". The ad says "Make Easy Money Online". Most of my traffic - about 75% find my blog searching on Google for the term "make money online" or a long tail version of that term. If one of my visitors clicks on the ad they are most likely looking for what the advertiser has to offer and even if they don't buy, Google can charge the advertiser full price because the visitor left a "make money online" trail. They found me using the term and they found the advertiser because of the term. That is as targeted as traffic can get and Google can charge the advertiser full price. If all my traffic came from stumble upon and clicked the ads then the advertiser wont get many conversions and Google can see where the traffic originated, knows it isn't targeted and will penalize me and give the advertiser a rebate.

That folks is how Adsense works.

In Summary.

To make money with Adsense;

You have to target a specific keyword - not a general one.

You have to optimize your entire blog for the keyword - not just a page for this and a page for that. (This can be done but until you know how - don't!)

Only ONE post per page - yes I mean the home page too. Most people will get sent to your homepage and if you have a bunch of snippets for different keywords you will have a bunch of different ads showing. This means the person who found you for the "blue widget" keyword may click on the "green widget" ad. This isn't targeted. You will never get the best performing ads if your blog is not perfectly optimized for the ad. You can't be perfectly optimized if you blog about different topics.

If your site is about widgets then you had better only get widget ads. If you are about blue widgets then you only want blue widget ads.

The only traffic you want to your site is targeted. This means search engine. You never want social traffic. You can target specific forum traffic if it is centered around your keyword but be aware that the CTR will be low. 

This in a nutshell is my system. Yes there is a different method you can use and quite frankly it is the more common form. Many practitioners choose to go with quantity over quality - they basically create hundreds or thousands of pages on many sites all poorly optimized and smart priced but still make a decent buck just because of the volume of clicks. The danger is that they use Adsense tricks to get people to click ads and the sites are clearly built for Adsense and contain little useful info. This is a violation of the Adsense TOS and if caught they risk getting banned. 

Note: I didn't buy Joel Comm's Adsense Secrets book but I did check out some of his blogs that have Adsense on them. I don't know what his book is about but it only took a few minutes to realize that his sites were poorly optimized and smart priced so I assume if he makes money with Adsense then he is a practitioner of quantity over quality. His sites had little content - lots of Adsense (typical made for adsense sites) and the blocks were showing ads for Bowel Cleanser and Family Vacations in the same ad block. (A sure sign of smart pricing) I, however don't recommend this as you have to do a lot more work and run the risk of losing your adsense account. It may work but not as well as my system and it is a lot more risky.

I have less sites using Adsense but they are all highly optimized for my keywords, they all have a lot of useful content, they all get the best performing ads and they all get the bulk of their traffic from Google's search engine for the keywords they are optimized for. This is a system that is both safe and effective and it will continue to work for as long as Adsense exists. 

An optimized blog plus targeted traffic equals a healthy Adsense paycheck.

That's all there is to it.
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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Standard Member:Per click:$0.01 Ref click:
$0.005 Min Payout $ 9 Payment
 Premium members will be paid within a maximum of 48 hours
and standard membe
rs within a maximum of 15 business days

Register here


MembershipPer ClickPer Ref ClickCashoutCashout TimeAdvertismentsPayments Processors
Standard$0.01$0.005$9.0015 Days6+AP/PP
Premium$0.015$0.001$2.002 Days20+AP/PP

My 16. Payment from less than 2 day 

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Palmbux is a PTC. Standard members and premium members earn the same amount per click which is $0.01. The difference is in the referral commission.

Countries: International
Payments: PayPal and AlertPay. Minimum payout is $2. At the time of writing, they pay instantly.
Referrals: If you are a standard member, you earn $0.005 per referral click, if you are a premium member your commission for each click is $0.01. (standard members get 50% of their referrals earnings and premium members get 100%).


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Tips For Maximum Adsense Content Relevancy

One of the most essential aspects of getting the most out of your involvement with Google’s Adsense program is to be certain that Google serves up the most relevant ads possible on your site. The concept is easy to grasp--visitors travel to your sites in search of certain content on their topic of interest. If they see advertisements directly related to those content desires, they are far more likely to click on the ads than if they encounter only tangentially related material or, in a worst case scenario, ads that are not even related to their interests. As such, it is in your best interests to make sure your site displays relevant ads. Here are few tips for improving your content relevancy to produce more accurately targeted contextual advertising from Adsense.

FIRST THINGS FIRST. Before you even begin to use Adsense as a monetization tool, make sure there are relevant ads for your site or pages. In most cases, you will have determined this long before you even embarked on site design or content development. However, if you are thinking of adding Adsense to an existing site built with other monetization strategies originally in mind, you may not have bothered checking to see if other advertisers were going after that particular market. Be sure you are addressing a topic for which ads exist in sufficient quantity. If related advertising is sparse, it will difficult to avoid irrelevant ads.

KEYWORDS MATTER. You do not want content that is overstuffed with particular keywords to point of destroying readability and value, but you do want to make sure your materials make liberal use of on-topic keywords likely to spawn the most relevant possible ads. Experts maintain that using keywords with your titles and H1 tags is an excellent way to assist in getting the most relevant possible ads. This has added advantages in terms of search engine optimization, as well.

METATAGS. Once upon a time, metatags were a critical aspect of search engine optimization in general. Although the engines rely upon metatags far less than they once did, there is some evidence to suggest that using ad-triggering keywords in your pages’ meta-tags may increase the relevance of the advertisements displayed. This strategy may help, and it certainly cannot hurt.

LOOK FOR LACKLUSTER CONTENT. Many sites to a great job of supplying content related to particular themes or keywords in the main portion of a page, but have sidebars, headers and footers filled with less targeted terms and material. Take a long look at your navigational elements and other "side of the page" text and remove keyword terminology that may be leading to irrelevant ad service. Alternatively, you can use Adsense’s section targeting tool to remove those areas from Adsense’s consideration completely, so long as you do not plan to display ad blocks or ad link units in those areas.

TIGHT THEMING. You want to keep content tightly themed. That means you do not want to feature long, rambling articles that cover multiple topics. Instead, rely upon materials that address singular issues. You also do not want to feature multiple chunks of content on disparate matters on the same page for that very same reason. The value of tight theming may extend past individual pages. Many publishers argue that Adsense tends to reward tightly-themed overall sites with more relevant ads, as well. Even though this aspect of theming is not as well researched and proven, it makes sense to follow the practice, because of the search engine optimization advantages of having a focused site.

BLOCK THE BAD ADS. Monitor your site regularly and take note when irrelevant ads appear. Then, take the time to add them to your blacklist for the site. Google does give you the ability to block individual ads via the Competitive Ad Filter. If you block out commonly served irrelevant ads, you may improve your chances of featuring more ads upon which your visitors will actually click.

The more contextually relevant the ads appearing on your site are, the more clicks you can expect to see. As such, it is important to make an effort to use a combination of proven SEO methods that also work well with Adsense and some program-specific maneuvers to secure the best possible ads on your site.
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How To Get More Per Click With AdSense


Many people get frustrated with low click bids on their AdSense ads. While it may seem like there is no money in AdSense, there are ways to get more per click with AdSense. Many things effect your payment per click, some things are how competitive your keywords are, how many ads you have, and relevancy. When you put all these things together, you can get more per click with AdSense in no time!

The more competitive a keyword is, the more you will get per click. For example, if your keyword is "sparks plugs for a 1978 Chevy truck", then you would have very little competition and only get a few cents per click. On the other hand, if you keyword was "make money online", there would be tons of competition and you get a lot per click. I have heard of people making two dollars per click! The problem with highly competitive keywords is that it is hard to get a lot of traffic. There will be many AdSense enthusiast going for the same keywords. To really get more per click with AdSense, you have to be good at driving traffic.

The number of ads you have on a web page can effect your payment per click as well. The more ads you have, the less quality of clicks you get. So if you have 20 ads on your web page and get about 10 cents per click, then if you had 2 ads, you would get more per click. You may get less clicks with less ads but you have to find the balance between quality and quantity. When you find that balance, you will get more per click with AdSense.

Relevance will have a big impact on getting more per click with AdSense. The more relevant your ads are, the higher quality of clicks you will get. If you are making a web page about dog training, then stay on the topic of dog training. If you trail off, you might get irrelevant ads. These ads will not be relevant to your web page and will have a low quality score. Making sure your ads stay relevant is an important step to get more per click with AdSense.

To get more per click with AdSense requires work and patients. It takes a little experimentation. Make sure you do not get stuck in a rut doing the same thing over and over. Try new things and you will get more per click with AdSense in no time!

It does take time to get more per click with AdSense but you can take a lot of that time off with the right guidance. Visit "Make More With AdSense" for great tips and tricks to get more per click with AdSense today! Thank you for reading and good luck!

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Finding Great AdSense Keywords


When someone asks "What are good AdSense keywords?" they are really asking about the best keywords to optimize their pages with which have AdSense ads on them. Success with AdSense is all about driving traffic to niche websites. The chosen keywords to optimize the site's pages with will make or break efforts to earn income from Adsense.

Success requires choosing a niche area without too much competition. Yet, the niche must have enough interest to insure there are sufficient numbers of searches. Many people choose niches which are simply too competitive to ever have a chance of being ranked on the first page of search engine results. This is the most common mistake made when creating AdSense sites.

AdSense keywords for a given niche must allow the site owner to rank his or her pages on the first or second pages of Google and/or Yahoo search result pages. The best way to find these AdSense keywords is to brainstorm with the many free keyword tools available online. I have found even the free versions to be of great help for discovering AdSense keywords which can be used to optimize pages with. I particularly like the Google keyword tool. Simply do a search for "keyword tool" in Google and it is usually the first result.

When you find possible keywords, they should be checked in a Google search with quotes around them. Notice the number of total sites with that keyword in the content. For example, if there are 500,000 other sites with that keyword, it is probably too competitive of term for you to ever get traction with. On the other hand, if the AdSense keyword shows only 5,000 other sites, it can be very easy to rank well in the search engines.

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Top Adsense Make Money Tips Must Focus On Content


The most vital, top Adsense make money tips have to be based on the content that you carry on your Adsense web site or blog site. Content is not just king when it comes to Adsense revenue, it is everything and it matters like crazy.

The problem with most Adsense affiliates is that they simply slap content onto a site, put up their Adsense ads and then wait for something to happen. When nothing happens they then get very busy looking everywhere for top Adsense make money tips that will work some magic into their earnings. Meanwhile they never think to touch their content.

One of the top Adsense make money tips should be that you touch, adjust and add content all the time, to make money from Adsense. Let me give just one instance of why it is so important to keep a close eye on your Adsense content.

Posts that are too detailed and self-contained in providing all the information will hurt your Adsense revenue. The best content strategy is to provide some extremely valuable information that will create an even deeper hunger for more information. Read that sentence you have just read, again and again because therein is contained one of the top most critical Adsense make money tips you will read anywhere.

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5 Tips to Boost Your Google Adsense CTR


I've been an Adsense publisher for some time now, and I would like to share 5 Adsense techniques that helped me increase my monthly Adsense income. Hopefully these tips will work for you, too.

1. Blend your Ad background with your content. Nothing turns off a visitor more than a page that's full of loud ads. Take a calmer approach to your advertising, and make your Adsense ads look like relevant, helpful content instead of instant money makers.

2. Stay away from the Default Adsense Template. As web surfers, we all have become oblivious to the default Google Adsense layout. Alter your palette, and bring an original look to your site's Adsense units.

3. Use Blue Links. Ever since the internet was born, visitors clicked on blue links. Everyone's used to it. So stick with the blue links, and test lighter/darker versions of them.

4. Use fewer Adsense Units. When I switched from 3 adsense units to 2, I experienced a quick boost in CTR. Many of your Adsense units go unnoticed, which hurts CTR and CPM. Experiment with few Adsense units, and see if it helps your CTR or not.

5. Test, Test, Test. This is the most important concept of all. Never get too complacent with your CTR. You can probably always do better. Always use channel tracking to follow your changes. Keep testing and tweaking, and so enough you will find the best Adsense recipe for your websites.

Try out these 5 Adsense tips, and develop your own action plan when adding Adsense to your web pages. Believe me: small changes can translate into huge gains in incomes. So stick at it, stay positive, and never give up.

Read full story - Make Money Online Clicking Ads

Easy ways to make money online. Work From Home Visiting Sponsored Sites pays to to click sponsored ads. In order to make money you have to
watch every ad for at least 30 seconds. The cost per click is 0.005$ for
standard members and 0.01$ for premiums. There are over 40 ads to click per day.
The earning example looks like this.

Earnings Example

You click 40 ads per day =

35 referrals click 40 ads
per day = $3.5

Your daily earnings = $3.7

Your weekly earnings = $25.9

Your monthly earnings = $111

Money are sent by PayPal and Alertpay on weekly basis. is one of the best paid to click sites.

Enjoy making easy money online

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Make Alertpay your way to Receive & Pay online!

Click here to start your New & Free AlertPay account.

Alertpay is now a popular payment processor after Paypal decided to stop supporting many Paid to Click (PTC) sites.

In order to get paid by most of the PTC sites you will need an Alertpay membership. Getting an alert pay membership is FREE and EASY.

Click here to start your New AlertPay account.

Please note:

Alertpay account has two passwords
1) Login Password (which you use to login to your alertpay account)
2) Transaction PIN (Which you need to make transactions (make payments, withdraw etc) )

While creating your alertpay account make sure that your take note of these two passwords, coz many complain that they lost their transaction when its time to withdraw or make a payment from your account balance.
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Payment Processor Guide

Payment Processor! Your online Bank Account!
Payment Processor Guide
Payment Processor! Your online Bank Account!

What is a Payment Processor?

A Payment processor is nothing but a website through which you get paid by most of the Online Money making sites. That is all what you should know for our purpose of online money making. But to put it generally Payment Processor makes it possible for us to make money transactions online ie, to Make payments Online or to Receive Money Online. When you request money from a money making site this money is paid to your payment processor account and from that account you can easily withdraw it to your bank account or request a cheque for your balance outstanding.

So, with out a payment processor you cannot withdraw the money you earned from most of these sites unless they have an option to send the money via Cheque. That way, having a payment processor account becomes a "Must Have" for earning money online.

Infact payment processors are a very convenient way of getting paid or making payments online, simply due to the fact that there is little or no delay for the fund to reach you or for your funds to reach the other person. Paypal is regarded as the most famous payment processor. Now a new payment processor called Alertpay has come to the scene to do some of the work PayPal has some trouble doing. These are the 2 main payment processors which we are going to need at this point.
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PayPal! The folks who rules the online payment processing industry!

Click Here to start Your Free PayPal Account!

PayPal is the Current leader in the Online Payment Processing Industry. Making payments via paypal is more secure than making payments using your creditcards coz that way you dont have to reveal your credit card no. to people whom you dont trust but instead you only have to reveal it before paypal which is regarded as a very trust worthy company having a great track record and even better customer support. If a site is approved by PayPal you can take it as a great sign of its authenticity.

Recently paypal has stopped supporting many Paid to click sites, But few sites still use this method of payment making it essential for your to have a paypal account.

Click Here to start your NEW & FREE! PayPal Account

Please note:

Paypal has 3 Categories of account 1) Personal Account 2) Premium Account 3) Business Account.

Initially, For the purpose of earning money online its better to have an Unverified Personal Account which carries no fee for receiving or sending money.

It is always a good idea to verify your paypal account (this is how paypal make sure of your identity) with your credit or debit card, but you should not be worried if you don't have one coz there are no big restrictions on receiving money to an account which is not verified. The restrictions are mainly for sending or withdrawing money (to your bank account or asking for a cheque) from an unverified paypal account exceeding $100. As a beginer it is enough to to start with an unverified paypal account you can take appropiate actions as and when you start earning more.
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Make Money Kingdom

Make Money By Discussing about Money Making Opportunities!

Make money kingdom is also a Paid to Post site like Mylot where you are paid for your participation in the forum. Compared to mylot this forum has very strict rules.

Method of earning: Starting discussions and answering to discussions started by others. You can also earn my referring your friends to this forum. You are paid $2.50 for every friend who has made atleast 30 posts in the forum.

How much I can earn per day?:They give 3 (Gold Coins) cents for replying to a discussion and 4 (Gold Coins) cents for starting a new discussion. Any no. of posts above 20 posts per day are not counted for earning.

Payout limit: The payout limit is $7, and the amount is paid on the 1st and 15th of every month. Payments are made through Paypal or Moneybookers.

My current earnings: $5.97 (297 Gold Coins)

Whether I have been paid?: YES I've been paid 3 times!

Total Amount Paid: 32.95

1st Payment Proof (Paid on: 04.08.08, Paid within 4 days)

2nd Payment Proof (Paid on: 13.9.08, Paid within 13 days)

3rd Payment Proof (Paid on: 6.10.08, Paid within 6 days)

Comments: since this is a kingdom all transactions are made in gold coins. 1 gold coin is equivalent to 1 cent. So you get 3 gold coins for a response and 4 gold coins for starting a Discussion. The forum very strict about publishing referral links or making duplicate posts. Detailed text of the rules are given in the site itself. Recently i got an infraction notice for allegedly making a duplicate post, So be Careful while making new threads there.

Click here to join Make Money Kingdom.
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The Instant Payout PTC! Click Payout and You Get Paid!

You could easily call Neobux as the "Perfect PTC" of your dreams. It is a PTC site which combines all the best features you ever wanted in a PTC site. The feature I like (and i'm sure most of its members) the most is thier Instant Payout Policy, You get paid instantly after clicking the payout button, no waitng, no auditing! The site is Uniqe among all other PTC sites, and as they say, they have really innovated and set a new standard for the PTC industry. Lets hope they stay like this for ever.

Method of earning: (1) Viewing adds worth upto $0.02 till the progress bar ends. There is no timer as found in other PTC sites, instead its being replaced by a Progress Bar like arrangement. The site also Conducts JackPots with which you could earn if you are lucky.

How much can I earn per day?: They Give 6-9 adds worth upto $0.015 each per day for standard members but Golden members get much more in terms of No. of adds and the Reward per click.

Payout limit: The First payout limit is $ 2.00 and the amount is paid via Paypal or Alertpay. The second payout limit is $3.00, Third being $5.o0 and finally the payout limit will rest at $10.

They Make Instant Payouts!

My current earnings: $5.80

Total Amount Paid: $210.16

(First Payment on 22/06/08) : $6.90

(Second Payment on 07/07/08) : $10.50

(Third Payment on 16/07/08) : 13.06

(4th Payment on 23/07/2008): $20.26

(5th Payment on 03/08/2008): $28.74

(6th Payment on 10/08/2008): $30.00

(7th Payment on 18/08/2008): $35.20

(8th Payment on 25/08/2008): $30.00

(9th Payment on 02/08/2008): $35.51

Paypal Payment Proof!

Neobux also pays "INSTANTLY" through Paypal.
Here is my latest paypal payment proof: $15.01 Paid on 02.09.08

Comments: This site pays you instantly after requesting payout, most of the times within 10 seconds. Click the payout button and check your Paypal/alertpay account, you would have been paid.

The Instant Payout PTC! Click Payout and You Get Paid!

You could easily call Neobux as the "Perfect PTC" of your dreams. It is a PTC site which combines all the best features you ever wanted in a PTC site. The feature I like (and i'm sure most of its members) the most is thier Instant Payout Policy, You get paid instantly after clicking the payout button, no waitng, no auditing! The site is Uniqe among all other PTC sites, and as they say, they have really innovated and set a new standard for the PTC industry. Lets hope they stay like this for ever.

Method of earning: (1) Viewing adds worth upto $0.02 till the progress bar ends. There is no timer as found in other PTC sites, instead its being replaced by a Progress Bar like arrangement. The site also Conducts JackPots with which you could earn if you are lucky.

How much can I earn per day?: They Give 6-9 adds worth upto $0.015 each per day for standard members but Golden members get much more in terms of No. of adds and the Reward per click.

Payout limit: The First payout limit is $ 2.00 and the amount is paid via Paypal or Alertpay. The second payout limit is $3.00, Third being $5.o0 and finally the payout limit will rest at $10.

They Make Instant Payouts!

My current earnings: $5.80

Total Amount Paid: $210.16

(First Payment on 22/06/08) : $6.90

(Second Payment on 07/07/08) : $10.50

(Third Payment on 16/07/08) : 13.06

(4th Payment on 23/07/2008): $20.26

(5th Payment on 03/08/2008): $28.74

(6th Payment on 10/08/2008): $30.00

(7th Payment on 18/08/2008): $35.20

(8th Payment on 25/08/2008): $30.00

(9th Payment on 02/08/2008): $35.51

Paypal Payment Proof!

Neobux also pays "INSTANTLY" through Paypal.
Here is my latest paypal payment proof: $15.01 Paid on 02.09.08

Comments: This site pays you instantly after requesting payout, most of the times within 10 seconds. Click the payout button and check your Paypal/alertpay account, you would have been paid.

The Instant Payout PTC! Click Payout and You Get Paid!

You could easily call Neobux as the "Perfect PTC" of your dreams. It is a PTC site which combines all the best features you ever wanted in a PTC site. The feature I like (and i'm sure most of its members) the most is thier Instant Payout Policy, You get paid instantly after clicking the payout button, no waitng, no auditing! The site is Uniqe among all other PTC sites, and as they say, they have really innovated and set a new standard for the PTC industry. Lets hope they stay like this for ever.

Method of earning: (1) Viewing adds worth upto $0.02 till the progress bar ends. There is no timer as found in other PTC sites, instead its being replaced by a Progress Bar like arrangement. The site also Conducts JackPots with which you could earn if you are lucky.

How much can I earn per day?: They Give 6-9 adds worth upto $0.015 each per day for standard members but Golden members get much more in terms of No. of adds and the Reward per click.

Payout limit: The First payout limit is $ 2.00 and the amount is paid via Paypal or Alertpay. The second payout limit is $3.00, Third being $5.o0 and finally the payout limit will rest at $10.

They Make Instant Payouts!

My current earnings: $5.80

Total Amount Paid: $210.16

(First Payment on 22/06/08) : $6.90

(Second Payment on 07/07/08) : $10.50

(Third Payment on 16/07/08) : 13.06

(4th Payment on 23/07/2008): $20.26

(5th Payment on 03/08/2008): $28.74

(6th Payment on 10/08/2008): $30.00

(7th Payment on 18/08/2008): $35.20

(8th Payment on 25/08/2008): $30.00

(9th Payment on 02/08/2008): $35.51

Paypal Payment Proof!

Neobux also pays "INSTANTLY" through Paypal.
Here is my latest paypal payment proof: $15.01 Paid on 02.09.08

Comments: This site pays you instantly after requesting payout, most of the times within 10 seconds. Click the payout button and check your Paypal/alertpay account, you would have been paid.

The Instant Payout PTC! Click Payout and You Get Paid!

You could easily call Neobux as the "Perfect PTC" of your dreams. It is a PTC site which combines all the best features you ever wanted in a PTC site. The feature I like (and i'm sure most of its members) the most is thier Instant Payout Policy, You get paid instantly after clicking the payout button, no waitng, no auditing! The site is Uniqe among all other PTC sites, and as they say, they have really innovated and set a new standard for the PTC industry. Lets hope they stay like this for ever.

Method of earning: (1) Viewing adds worth upto $0.02 till the progress bar ends. There is no timer as found in other PTC sites, instead its being replaced by a Progress Bar like arrangement. The site also Conducts JackPots with which you could earn if you are lucky.

How much can I earn per day?: They Give 6-9 adds worth upto $0.015 each per day for standard members but Golden members get much more in terms of No. of adds and the Reward per click.

Payout limit: The First payout limit is $ 2.00 and the amount is paid via Paypal or Alertpay. The second payout limit is $3.00, Third being $5.o0 and finally the payout limit will rest at $10.

They Make Instant Payouts!

My current earnings: $5.80

Total Amount Paid: $210.16

(First Payment on 22/06/08) : $6.90

(Second Payment on 07/07/08) : $10.50

(Third Payment on 16/07/08) : 13.06

(4th Payment on 23/07/2008): $20.26

(5th Payment on 03/08/2008): $28.74

(6th Payment on 10/08/2008): $30.00

(7th Payment on 18/08/2008): $35.20

(8th Payment on 25/08/2008): $30.00

(9th Payment on 02/08/2008): $35.51

Paypal Payment Proof!

Neobux also pays "INSTANTLY" through Paypal.
Here is my latest paypal payment proof: $15.01 Paid on 02.09.08

Comments: This site pays you instantly after requesting payout, most of the times within 10 seconds. Click the payout button and check your Paypal/alertpay account, you would have been paid.
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