Before you begin!...

woman holding money

Before you begin...

Welcome to my blog! This is a place where you get to know how to make money online by doing simple jobs. Most of the online money making opportunities are available only for people from USA or Canada, but this blog contains only those websites where people from other countries can join and make money. Only those sites which have either paid me or any one of my trusted friends are included in this blog. All the websites (except forex) recommended here are free to join and you don't have to make any investment to start earning, but if you prefer to make any investments you are doing it on your own risk.

Wait a Sec... Do you have a Payment Processor Account?
The First step in earning money online is to open an account with a Payment Processor like AlertPay or PayPal or most preferably both. So if you don't have one please Start a FREE Payment Processor Account before proceeding further with making money online. Click here to learn about and start a FREE payment processor account. Join a Money Making Forum...
If you are serious about making money online then you should join few forums were people discuss about various money making opportunities, that will help you keep updated and share other peoples experience with various money making sites. One such forum is Make money Kingdom AKA "MMK" were you not only get to discuss about money making opportunities but also get paid for the same! Click here to know about & Join Make Money Kingdom

Friday, April 24, 2009

How-To Get Referrals For Your Own Programs

Getting Referrals is the most important in any online earning program. More is your down line of referrals more will be your earnings. Unfortunately its not that easy to find them without mutual benefit
With that concept in mind a site has been set up called 'GetRef' where in you earn credits for joining others programs and then spend them to get referrals for your programs. You can even buy credits if you don't want to join others programs.

Here you can find a lot of people willing to join your programs coz they need credits you are giving, so that they can spend them to get referrals for their programs. You can also give a negative rating for those who aren't honest as a referral but joined just to earn credits (or) for those who haven't transferred you credits even after you have joined their programs. Members rating can be seen everywhere on the site and a negative rated person will soon perish coz no one will be joining his programs.

GetRef supports almost all the online earning programs. More over you can advertise you sites/blog links and this system works similar to traffic exchange sites.

Here you can earn credits mainly in three ways

1) By joining others programs

2) By clicking links

3) By referring members

Of course, you always have the option to buy them if you are not willing to do any of the above. But that won't be the case with most of the guys here. So there is a huge possibility of members willing to join under you as your referral.

CLICK HERE TO JOIN & Get Referrals for you own programs 

Happy earning...

This was originally published here


poras tiwari on September 16, 2011 at 3:42 AM said...

TCF Online Banking
We can also give a negative rating for those who aren't honest as a referral but joined just to earn credits.

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