$0.01 per click,
$0.005 per ref click
Premium Member's
$0.01 per ad clicked.
$0.01 per ad clicked by your referrals.
5% bonus from all of your referrals purchases.
Golden Member's
$0.012 per ad clicked.
$0.012 per ad clicked by your referrals.
10% bonus from all of your referrals purchases.
Platinum Member's
$0.02 per ad clicked.
$0.012 per ad clicked by your referrals.
15% bonus from all of your referrals purchases.
$3.00 payout Alertpay.
Todays for standard members 6 ads!
I think there are (or will be) more benefits for Platinum members, like in Neobux, since only for this click value advantages, platinum membership will be extremely expensive.
GooBux seem to be a serious businness, with all their correspondence enquiries notices in their blog, the GooCard and the innovative attitude of admin. But when you look at all the design, which is a direct copy of Neobux, including TOS (at least they changed the parts, which are different), their credibility drops a little. But these are probably because of their very young age. (Only 2 days!) So, at the end, GooBux is a new little sister to Neobux and it has a potential to be a good PTC in a little while. Maybe my searchings for a PTC to invest (after Neobux) has come to an end.
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