Before you begin!...

woman holding money

Before you begin...

Welcome to my blog! This is a place where you get to know how to make money online by doing simple jobs. Most of the online money making opportunities are available only for people from USA or Canada, but this blog contains only those websites where people from other countries can join and make money. Only those sites which have either paid me or any one of my trusted friends are included in this blog. All the websites (except forex) recommended here are free to join and you don't have to make any investment to start earning, but if you prefer to make any investments you are doing it on your own risk.

Wait a Sec... Do you have a Payment Processor Account?
The First step in earning money online is to open an account with a Payment Processor like AlertPay or PayPal or most preferably both. So if you don't have one please Start a FREE Payment Processor Account before proceeding further with making money online. Click here to learn about and start a FREE payment processor account. Join a Money Making Forum...
If you are serious about making money online then you should join few forums were people discuss about various money making opportunities, that will help you keep updated and share other peoples experience with various money making sites. One such forum is Make money Kingdom AKA "MMK" were you not only get to discuss about money making opportunities but also get paid for the same! Click here to know about & Join Make Money Kingdom

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Golden Galaxy (New Innovative PTC)


  PTC made from scratch, Golden Galaxy has revolutionalised the PTCs in a way which will definitely increase the level of PTCs. They have introduced many features for Advertisers to target their Ads and also a unique security measure that you can't even click on other Tab or anything on your computer while viewing Ads. So if you click on the taskbar the Timer will stop, you changed the tab the timer will stop until you again activate the Ad tab. This thing may look frustrating to you but Advertisers spend their money only for this and so definitely they will like to advertise in this site and you can see the results even from the start. They have already 7-9 Advertiser's ads and no self-sponsored ads, which clearly states how stable they are even from the start. So after Neobux if you were looking for a site to promote and earn, then I will suggest this site only. Join Golden-Galaxy


 Unique script as site completely is made from scratch.
 Atleast 7 Ads for Standard Members, click rates depending upon the advertisement and hence ranges from $.005 to upto $.01. The referral earnings are $.005/ad.
 Premium members earn 0.2 cents more than the standard members on every ad and on referrals clicks i.e. $.007/ref click.
 Minimum Payout $4 Instant through Paypal and Alertpay, LibertyReserve and Perfect Money.
 Detailed Statistics of your account, lottery, jackpot and many more features.
 Write Testimonial about them and get $.5.


Benefits For Advertisers:

 Timer is scripted such that if you switch to different tab or other program, the timer will stop too and so member must see the ad to get credits. (new)
 Be able to edit your ad at any time the ad is running.
 Choose if you wish certain languages to only view your ad. (new)
 Choose if you wish males or females or both to view your ad depending on your product or service. (new)
 Choose your click pack depending on your needs.
 Choose the amount of time your ad will be viewed including extra time you wish to have your ad viewed.
 Allow all or a certain country to view your ad.
 View detailed statistics during and after your ad display.
 Enhanced anti-cheat protection and the highest security.
 Demographic filter.

As you can see their are many new features for Advertisers which will definitely bring more advertisers, means more ads and so more stable site and so greater earnings for members.


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Sunday, April 26, 2009

5 four-minute killer SEO tweaks that 90% of bloggers ignore


15357299_7c46949219_mMany of us bloggers are constantly looking for the next big SEO revelation. We’re looking for the killer secret that will land our blog on the top 10 in Google for our targeted keyword. While we’re wasting hours away looking for the big fish, we fail to see thousands of little fish swimming past us, that could’ve easily been caught to fulfil the day’s catch.

There are so many thing in terms of SEO that bloggers know and don’t do. Not that they are ineffective nor black-hat. But just because it’s effect isn’t that big. But like the fish analogy above, what we fail to understand is that a lot of those methods collectively can really make a significant impact on the SERPs that you’re targeting.


Meaningful Image Alt Tags

1488466859_b3d8100d6d_oIf I had a nickel for every blogger not using image alt tags in their blogs, I wouldn’t have to work for the rest of my life. You know, when a search engine spiders a web site, it really can’t see the image. How it identifies what the image is solely by looking at the alt tag. The alt (Alternative) tag is used to give the description of the image, when the image is still loading or being hidden in the browser. But, by specifying a meaningful alt tag, you can significantly increase the keyword density of the page as well as pull off some hits from Image Searches.

Applying no-follow to PHP redirected links

1285719510_856a8feb4e_mWhen you’re using PHP redirects to direct your visitors to you affiliate links, be sure you’re not redirecting the search engine spiders. Search engine spiders absolutely hate this! (being PHP redirected - it makes them dizzy I heard) So, be sure to add rel=”nofollow” to all your affiliate links.

No-following the unwanted links

If you’re into advanced SEO, you might be already doing this. But if you’re not, just give it a shot. The theory behind Google’s PageRank is that it gives you credit for other linking to your blog, and takes that back when you link to other sources. And this applies when you’re linking to pages from your own blog too. (thought not so much as outbound links) For an example, if you display “10 popular posts” and “5 related posts” per each page, 15 links per page are so draining your Link Popularity away for no reason. Spot these and nofollow them accordingly. Let the spider find your pages from your XML sitemap.

Optimizing META Tags

seo: 5 four-minute killer SEO tweaks that 90% of bloggers ignoreIf you haven’t thought of optimizing META tags in your blog, I recommend you first use a tool like this. It’s really critical that you have META tags - and that you optimize them too. Most of the people let META description be auto-generated. This is quite alright. But be sure to at least optimize your home page and other articles that you’re receiving a faint bit of Search Engine traffic.

Using Homepage Excerpts

When bloggers use homepage excerpts, they are not only trying to influence more page views but also trying to save their blogs from duplicated content. Search Engines will penalize you very badly is they find the same content in your homepage and the single posts that the homepage is linked to. For this purpose, you can use anything from Ajaxed WP to Excerpt Editor WordPress plugin.

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5 things you must put “above the fold” in your blog.


promoting-your-blog: 5 things you must put above the fold in your blog.

When you take a folded newspaper, what do you see first, even before unfolding? Everything that is visible even before the newspaper is unfolded is called “above the fold”. As for the whole purpose of it, something above the fold in the newspaper is to persuade the frequent browser to buy the paper. How many times have you bought the newspaper just looking at the headline? I have to admit. Above the fold marketing, if exploited right, can be really powerful for newspapers and blogs alike. Newspapers, virtually run on above the fold advertising.

So how can we apply the same thing to a blog? Surely, blog doesn’t have a fold. But, like unfolding a newspaper, your visitors must scroll down. Like browsing in a newspaper stand for a good newspaper, your visitors browse through blogs. Like someone buying a newspaper because what’s above the fold is good, some will subscribe to your blog because your above the fold is good.

So today, we will see how you can improve your blog, by prioritizing the 5 things every blogger should put on their blogs, above the fold.

Header - D’oh!

Your header should be customized. Or at least, not the same thing as the free theme. If you are willing to customize your header a bit, please take these into consideration.
Your header should promote your blog brand effectively. Your unique name that sets you apart from others. Also, try embedding something into the header that tells ‘em your blog is, well.. your blog! Something that will portray your blog’s personality.
And also, if you have enough room, just try to have a few words describing what sets you apart from the other blogs, and why the visitor must subscribe to your blog.
If you’ve got it all sorted out, good for you. And if you haven’t, again, good for you. Ha? Mindblogger is launching a blog competition tomorrow. And one of the prizes include a FREE customized blog header. So, keep tuned in for that.

Something to feed on

Yeap, this is a bit obvious too:) Make sure that your RSS Feed Chicklet or the link is there possibly with e-mail subscription options. Some people prefer to have the e-mail subscription link rather than the actual form. That might be alright if you’re out of room. But if you can find some room for that, that’d be room well occupied.

A glimpse of your best

Now here’s something that you haven’t heard before. Convincing someone to subscribe to your blog is like asking that person to buy something. Why should he or she, out of all the blogs in this world, subscribe to yours? or ‘buy’ your content?
If you’re stuck without an answer for this question, and if you’re a good blogger, your “Most Popular Posts” will save you! When someone sees the best that you have to offer and choose not to subscribe, there’s little that you can do to convince him or her otherwise.
And having this above the fold, will instantly catch the “eye of the tiger”, and will do the convincing for you. So if you can do that, I can guarantee you’re going to see some good coming out of that.

All your pretty squares

Mind you, people will not scroll down to see your 125×125 ads. Probably the only place to put your ads if you want to make some money would be the top of the sidebar. However, I wouldn’t recommend this to bloggers starting up. In fact, I wouldn’t advise them to monetize their blogs until they have hot significant figures in blog stats. 125×125 is something that every blogger puts in his or her blog. But not many bloggers get something out of.

Something niche-specific

Except for the above 4 things, there’s something else that I can’t be specific about, that should be decided by you, for you. Something niche-specific that will help convey your message to the visitor. Something that says “I’m at top of my game!”. If you’re running a personal blog, probably an “About me” widget. If you’re blogging about business, then probably an “About this blog” widget. Photography blog - thumbnails of “My best photos of all time” widget. You get the idea. It’s your call. Portray your confidence through your blog. Success will inevitably follow.

So, just try to develop your own code of conduct and see whether your blog stats do any good. Experimenting is the key. Something that will work for another blog, might be completely useless for you. That’s why I always say “You cannot replicate another blogger’s success”. If you got your own “Above the fold” ideas, let me know. Might do a follow-up on this post in near-future, and I just might publish your ideas as well, with some link love and credits of course… So, comment away!

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Kick starting a blog in 50 days - secrets revealed! - Part 1


promoting-your-blog: Kick starting a blog in 50 days - secrets revealed! - Part 1One question - did you see MindBlogger 50 days before this day? Maybe 6 of you have. Since, I only had 6 subscribers to this blog, 50 days before this day. I had 20 unique visitors per day, an average of 0.65 comments per post and a lot of frustration building at my own pace. The reason why I hit so low key was because I had certain things going on in December 2007 and January 2008, that completely forced me to ignore my blog. So, when it was all over, I was left with this blog with 6 subscribers.

It seemed like the right time to give up. Although I was going well before December ‘07, the blog was in peril so I thought I needed to change the niche and do something with this. Now, just in case, if you don’t believe what I’ve said up-to now, you can check this post out. Convinced?

So, let’s do a bit of a comparison of the statistics between the two ends of this timeframe.

 50 days beforeRight now
Ave. unique visitors p/day20230
Alexa Rank - 1 wk ave.2,000,000+87,887

It might not be ‘really huge’ in certain aspects but, building a blog from zero, I am pretty happy with where I stand now. So, I am going to give a bit of an inside perspective on how I did it, because, with few spicy ingredients off my recipe, you can make your super potion to boost your blog.

Being controversial always works

promoting-your-blog: Kick starting a blog in 50 days - secrets revealed! - Part 1NO. really! It always works. I tend to agree with John Cow fully when he says nice bloggers end up last. When I hit rock bottom, the only way I could motivate myself to keep on doing what I love to do was to do something quick to get back to bikini bottom with Spongebob. So, I made my first post of controversy. 5 reasons why can’t be the Sri Lankan blogosphere. I live in Sri Lanka, as most of you might know and is a blog aggregator.

I personally think the time of non-niche blog aggregators are long and gone and I didn’t and still don’t think it’s an idea worth investing your time in. So, I came out with that ‘ouch!’ factor to get some evil traffic. I had to face a lot of criticism, a lot of harsh comments. But then again, that’s all in the package. In the end, it all played out for me since everyone who criticized me were kind enough to give my block some backlinks, despite of their harsh words and, hey! I spoke my mind out and got my thing across.

And also, a nice boost in traffic and subscribers, creating my blog a lot of exposure.

Content is the king

promoting-your-blog: Kick starting a blog in 50 days - secrets revealed! - Part 1I’m sorry. I know this is no secret but, it’s too important to be left out. The best method of proving you’re “that good” to be followed is to get your content across. I had to be really original, really sharp and really picky on what I posted in these 50 days and my posting frequency. Once you lose a subscriber, you’ve lost him/her forever. So what not to do? Post total useless ramblings.

Note that 6 out of 10 of my most popular posts were written in these 50 days.

New makeovers

promoting-your-blog: Kick starting a blog in 50 days - secrets revealed! - Part 1Prior to writing my own theme for MindBlogger, I used the 3cWPTP theme. But, I needed to bring out the professionalism of my blog and my brand of blog more effectively. So I wrote my own theme the, way I wanted. Maybe this is something that everyone of you aren’t able to do. But it always helps when you try to customize a widely used theme or try to find a theme from un-explored depths of

I received a good number of positive comments about my blog design and it successfully gave the boost I needed to the growth of my blog. When designing or picking a theme, your should know what your blog really needs. Just because a theme looks good, doesn’t mean that it will cater to all of your needs. The first impression matters and that means your theme!


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Kick starting a blog in 50 days - secrets revealed! - Part II


Well, in the earlier post I told you that I went from just 6 subscribers to 200+ in 50 days of blogging. And I pretty much gave you out some my METYHODOLOGY. But for the part II of this, you’ll get some serious juice.


Creating a unique blog brand

Blogs telling you how to blog had come to be somewhat of a cliche these days. So I created my own brand of a blog that said more than “creating money online through your blog”. I wanted to do something that people will instantly remember and something would probably make a statement, hopefully with an exclamation mark at the end. So I came up with the ’super-weapon’ term. My objective is to let my readers know how they can turn their blogs into super-weapons and then make money off it. No Bull, no gimmicks, no get rich quick tricks. It’s plain proven methodology.

With the unique design of my header, eliciting this exact image, I was able to somewhat entice the one-time readers to wander into the depths of my content. And at the time, I was getting some good StumbleUpon traffic also. So this was extra helpful in turning the heads of stumblers a bit, hopefully to make them stop for a second and tell them it’s not something that they are getting every time they hit the ’stumble!’ button.

Commenting Policy

I switched to threaded comments. Some people might think that it messes up the site design and all that but threaded comments had been really useful for me to build conversations with the readers. I can make sure that whoever comments and needs something back doesn’t go unanswered in my blog.

Also, I implemented a few plug-ins to enhance the quality of the site discussions which can be found in this article. The plug-ins being mentioned in that were helpful in capturing those one-off visitors and converting them to followers.

Viral Contests

I had two contests within these 50 days. The current one - “The 10 second entry contest”, is just going viral. For a simple e-mail subscription, the subscribers are getting definite 10 Entrecard credits and a chance to win $250 worth of prizes. 50% of my current subscribers were conceived this way.

Some bloggers tend to hold contests to have backlinks to their blogs, in order to improve their link popularity. But, what most of them don’t understand is that half of the people are not at all interested in doing something like posting about a contest in their own blogs. One - it may make a blogger look like a sell-out and two - some people don’t always go thorough the trouble to do so. And let’s face it. If a blog is really really popular, what makes you think that blogger will actually post about a random contest that he/she sees in the blogosphere? And if you can’t get a backlink off a popular/good blog, what’s the point of getting a backlink at all?

The way the Google PageRank works tell us that, it’s better to get 1 backlink from a blog that has a PageRank of 5 than getting 500 backlinks from a blog that has PageRank of 0.

What I learnt from my experiences is that, when you set the bar a bit lower than other people, you tend to get more people to come and try out for the high-jump.


Through Blog Networks such as Entrecard, I got to know a good number of great new bloggers. And it really paid off to communicate with them and share ideas. Although I must confess I haven’t been on the lookout for any forum traffic from all the blogging forums out there, I believe forum traffic is more sustainable in the long-run than the plain Entrecard traffic.

All in all, I believe Networking is indeed one of the greatest aspects in building a blog. Especially because when you kick-start a blog, you tend to have more time dedicated and efficient networking through bloggers is worth every minute.

For an example, I contacted Mike of Blogging-Ads for guest blogging. (Me blogging for him) There was an article I was working on for over a week called “Are you a Sniper blogger or a Gattling Gunner blogger?”. It was one of the most original posts I’ve done, and probably one of the best. With Mike’s help, I published that in Blogging-Ads, and the reactions were just phenomenal. Blogging-Ads had experienced and is experiencing a rapid growth and I was exalted to see my guest post being well received in the community. And at the moment, it stands as the #1 in the Blogging-Ads Most Popular Posts.

Not all guest bloggers are fortunate to say something like that, and I believe I am one of the lucky ones.

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Make surefire money now with the Pepperjam Blogger Incentive Program


PJN July PromoPepperjam - My favorite affiliate network announced on the 3rd of July that they are having this killer promotional campaign with “Increased Publisher Payouts”, throughout the month of July. The whole promotional campaign is broken into 3 categories.

First up, we got the instant sign-up bonus! So, what does that exactly mean? To make a long story short, you sign-up with this awesome Pay-Per-Lead/Revenue Sharing affiliate network, and your account is funded with an instant $10! Of course, your blog must be approved first to get the money. Want to hear that from their own words?

To assist you with recruiting new publishers to Pepperjam Network we are going to allow you to provide them with a $10 Sign-Up Bonus. This means that any new publisher that you refer will be eligible for a $10 bonus just for signing-up for Pepperjam Network.

And, are you an existing PJN publisher? Great news! Now you get 40% more on every publisher you refer to Pepperjam! That’s $7 per signup. Used to be $5 per signup, but as I’ve said now, it’s $7 throughout the month of July.

And last but not the least, PJN appreciates you promoting them! With their “Pay Per Post” like program, you can earn $10 per every blog post that you make promoting one of their services. You can make up to 5 posts per month, and it can be regarding anything that you want, possibly a unique feature of the Pepperjam Network! This is what they had to say:

We thought we’d create a sort of “Pay Per Post” incentive program where any PJN publisher / blogger will receive $10 for each post you make (up to 5 per month) that promotes Pepperjam Network or any Pepperjam Network tool.

So, want to make use of this killer opportunity?

  1. Sign-up for Pepperjam Network - Get $10
  2. Tell them that you’re going to make a blog post about them and get approval for the “Pay Per Post” scheme and publish your article - Get another $10
  3. Then put up some banners like the one that you see on the right on your blog - Get $7 per each time someone signs up under you!

Minimum Payout is $25 and with the 3 steps above, achieving that is a piece of cake. So, ready to make some surefire money?

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Friday, April 24, 2009

How-To Get Referrals For Your Own Programs

Getting Referrals is the most important in any online earning program. More is your down line of referrals more will be your earnings. Unfortunately its not that easy to find them without mutual benefit
With that concept in mind a site has been set up called 'GetRef' where in you earn credits for joining others programs and then spend them to get referrals for your programs. You can even buy credits if you don't want to join others programs.

Here you can find a lot of people willing to join your programs coz they need credits you are giving, so that they can spend them to get referrals for their programs. You can also give a negative rating for those who aren't honest as a referral but joined just to earn credits (or) for those who haven't transferred you credits even after you have joined their programs. Members rating can be seen everywhere on the site and a negative rated person will soon perish coz no one will be joining his programs.

GetRef supports almost all the online earning programs. More over you can advertise you sites/blog links and this system works similar to traffic exchange sites.

Here you can earn credits mainly in three ways

1) By joining others programs

2) By clicking links

3) By referring members

Of course, you always have the option to buy them if you are not willing to do any of the above. But that won't be the case with most of the guys here. So there is a huge possibility of members willing to join under you as your referral.

CLICK HERE TO JOIN & Get Referrals for you own programs 

Happy earning...

This was originally published here

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Goobux (NEW PTC....Seems it will be Big!)

MembershipPer ClickPer Ref ClickCashoutCashout TimeAdvertismentsPayments Processors
Standard$0.01$0.005$3.002 Days4+AP/PP
Premium$0.01$0.01$4.002 Days8+AP/PP

 Since I was stuck with only Neobux, I started searching for a new PTC with potential. During my searchings, I recently discovered a brand new PTC site called GooBux. They started officially on 17th April, and they actually seem to be a copy of Neobux. They use the Gen3 script, and all menus, TOS, forum, Jackpots, etc. are the same. Payments are instant and the value of a click is also the same, 1 cent for your clicks and 0.5c/click from your referrals
$0.01 per click,
$0.005 per ref click
Premium Member's
$0.01 per ad clicked.
$0.01 per ad clicked by your referrals.
5% bonus from all of your referrals purchases.
Golden Member's
$0.012 per ad clicked.
$0.012 per ad clicked by your referrals.
10% bonus from all of your referrals purchases.
Platinum Member's
$0.02 per ad clicked.
$0.012 per ad clicked by your referrals.
15% bonus from all of your referrals purchases.

$3.00 payout Alertpay. 
Todays for standard members 6 ads!

 I think there are (or will be) more benefits for Platinum members, like in Neobux, since only for this click value advantages, platinum membership will be extremely expensive.

GooBux seem to be a serious businness, with all their correspondence enquiries notices in their blog, the GooCard and the innovative attitude of admin. But when you look at all the design, which is a direct copy of Neobux, including TOS (at least they changed the parts, which are different), their credibility drops a little. But these are probably because of their very young age. (Only 2 days!) So, at the end, GooBux is a new little sister to Neobux and it has a potential to be a good PTC in a little while. Maybe my searchings for a PTC to invest (after Neobux) has come to an end.

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Make money for sharing links with Linkbucks


Linkbucks For Bloggers

Getting Started Icon

Linkbucks advertising network was built to help bloggers earn money for doing what they do best: writing and linking. Linkbucks ads don't clutter-up your pages, so they don't alienate users. Instead, linkbucks allow you to choose what kinds of ads to use, and how to use them.

Keep control of your advertising

Linkbucks gives you full control over your advertising. You select what ads to use, what sites to link to, and where to put them.

Less distracting than ads on your page

Casual surfers and regular visitors prefer Linkbucks ads to regular web banners on your page. Flashing ad banners can be distracting to your visitors and take up valuable real-estate on your page. On the other hand, Linkbucks ads only appear as the text links you choose, and earn revenue for you after the visitor has left your page.

Earn much more with our referral program

Blogs are perfect to take advantage of our generous referral program. All you have to do is tell your visitors about Linkbucks, and you'll get 10% of the earnings of every new member that you send our way. You'll also get 5% of the earnings from the members that they send as well. Read on to find out more about our referral program.

Easy to use: no code knowledge required

Most ad networks are made so that only programming wizards can use them. Linkbucks makes it easy to generate paying links without any knowledge of code. Within minutes you can turn hundreds of your links into paying ones, or just drop in a simple code to do it automatically!

Join now

An Ad Network Built Around Your Site

Getting Started Icon

Here's a novel concept: an ad company that doesn't load you down with rules and restrictions, allows you to control your own placements, and pays out twice per month.

Ads that don't distract your visitors

If there's one thing web surfers hate, it's being bombarded by flashing "Warning" ads from every corner of a web page. This is why their service is based around links that you control. With Linkbucks, you get paid to link to whatever you want.

Make money from your outbound traffic - not your loyal visitors

Because of the way most ad networks are set up, sites are encouraged to annoy their loyal visitors in order to earn their money. Linkbucks changes that by monetizing your outbound traffic instead. Now you can earn money by linking to the site you would anyway.

High rates, paid twice per month

Their relationships with leading marketers enable them to pay rates above and beyond the industry standard. Also, unlike most ad companies that only pay out every few months, they send your money every two weeks.

Specific solutions for your site

They're willing to work closely with you to help keep monetize your site. They have custom programs for forums, blogs, and larger sites; but They're willing to help any of their webmasters develop a custom advertising package.

A partner you can trust

Linkbucks has been operating since 2005. They have a proven track record of paying all our affiliates, and have never missed a payment.

Join now

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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Optimize Blog Title for Search engine Results and increase visitorz


his trick can largely drive traffic to your blog.When you search google for
something and your blog is present in the search results...Then the Title of the
result will be of the form Blog
Title + Post Title
 This type
of a title wont attract searchers.. Here is a hack that will change the title to
the following attractive format Post
Title + Blog Title
 This trick
will help you to optimize the blog title for Search Engines. I am damn sure that
this trick will increase your site's visitor count.. It will take a while for
the Formatted titles to appear in search results(will appear when it is
reindexed) Goto Blogger Template>Edit
 and replace




<!-- Start Changing the Blogger Title Tag  -->
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> ~ <data:blog.title/></title>
<!-- End Changing the Blogger Title Tag -->

and save your template and you are done.. Please comment on the results..
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My Blog List
