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Welcome to my blog! This is a place where you get to know how to make money online by doing simple jobs. Most of the online money making opportunities are available only for people from USA or Canada, but this blog contains only those websites where people from other countries can join and make money. Only those sites which have either paid me or any one of my trusted friends are included in this blog. All the websites (except forex) recommended here are free to join and you don't have to make any investment to start earning, but if you prefer to make any investments you are doing it on your own risk.

Wait a Sec... Do you have a Payment Processor Account?
The First step in earning money online is to open an account with a Payment Processor like AlertPay or PayPal or most preferably both. So if you don't have one please Start a FREE Payment Processor Account before proceeding further with making money online. Click here to learn about and start a FREE payment processor account. Join a Money Making Forum...
If you are serious about making money online then you should join few forums were people discuss about various money making opportunities, that will help you keep updated and share other peoples experience with various money making sites. One such forum is Make money Kingdom AKA "MMK" were you not only get to discuss about money making opportunities but also get paid for the same! Click here to know about & Join Make Money Kingdom

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Reddit and StumbleUpon

The vision in my mind of a typical 'Redditor' is one who hits a link, arrives at your site, glances at the content, goes back to Reddit, repeat for another link at a pace and schedule you could set your watch to. When talking about frequency, we do get significantly more traffic from Reddit than Digg on a day to day basis. But one front page story on Digg will in just a few hours easily surpass 2 weeks worth of Reddit traffic, to which our battered server can testify.

StumbleUpon was one of those sites I deliberately avoided early on. Submitting our own articles on StumbleUpon has returned some good results, but our submissions pale in comparison to one getting picked up by a high profile user. When this happens, we easily get more traffic spread out over a week than we get from Digg. As an example, one particular article had 115,000 visitors from Digg over about 6 hours, but the same article which got picked up on StumbleUpon over 2 weeks later saw 55,000 visitors spread out over a week.

Stumblers love to comment, and they love to let you know where they came from: "I stumbled in!" is a typical start to a comment. And they love to look around. They are a unique breed of web surfer who are on a mission to find anything and everything interesting to share with others. Not only that, Stumblers keep coming back and many subscribe to our newsletter and RSS feeds. In fact while composing this article we got 2 more newsletter subscribers who say they came in from StumbleUpon.


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